After the happy ending of Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer continues the Saga with the fourth novel, Breaking Dawn
. In Eclipse, the story ends with the Cullens finally defeating Victoria, the ruthless, wild-haired vampire, set out to kill Bella Swan as revenge for the Cullens killing her mate, James.
In Breaking Dawn, marriage is the next big step in the protagonist, Bella Swan’s life. But she’s not just getting married to the guy next door, she’s marrying her gorgeous, intelligent, compassionate vampire fiancé, Edward Cullen. The vampire that was out to kill her is dead and now she gets to marry Edward Cullen.
This teen romance novel is compelling and fast-paced, with so many things happening at once. There’s the wedding, there’s the honeymoon, there’s the pregnancy and of course Bella’s best friend-who-wants-to-be-more-than-just-friends, Jacob Black, who plays a big part in this novel.
Breaking Dawnis first written from Bella’s point of view, then Jacobs, then back to Bella’s again. Although Meyer’s style of writing keeps you captivated by the story—by a gravitational pull—I couldn’t help but to be disappointed by not being able to read things from Edward’s point of view.
BUY Breaking Dawn
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